A good game, a pleasant return to the roots. The change in gameplay is well-handled, even though the die-hard fans from the beginning may complain about the lack of strategy and turn-based combat. Dynamic, beautiful, immersive. The main quest, despite some lengthiness, is well-executed; however, the side quests are anecdotal. The music is still top-notch, capturing the essence of Midgar, but we will always lament the departure of Nobuo Uematsu

Reviewed on Aug 03, 2023

1 Comment

10 months ago

The first FF I ever beat. Way back in '07 or so. As an edgy teen I used to roll my eyes at people that overly praised this game or talked about it. Constantly riding Ocarina Of Time's nuts mind you. That GameFAQs message board effect. Fun times.

When I finally gave this game a shot it had an immediate effect of strange nostalgia. Even though I had never played it before. Particularly the section in Midgar with the old subway trains. I felt like an ass for turning my nose up at it for so long but I'm happy I was able to experience it. Fantastic game. I went on to play FF6 a bit after and that was magical as well.

I have the Re-Make on PS4 but haven't played more than an hour or so for some reason. I keep seeing mixed reception towards it.