It felt like this game, more so than MW2019 was just rehashing so many of the iconic moments from the original trilogy to the point where it felt like we was just playing through updated versions of missions like All Ghilied Up, Crew Expendable and The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday. Not that I necessarily think this is a bad thing, you couldn't choose better missions to use as inspiration, it just made it feel like they were playing it very safe with the campaign. Still very solid and I appreciated the variety it gave you throughout even if some things were silly like the abrupt ending, that reveal half way through and that very funny mission at the US/Mexican border which everyone knows about by now.

As for the multiplayer, it is a bit worse than MW2019 but I also believe it to still be very good and better than Midguard and Black ops Mid War. The maps aren't the best, the removal of red dots on the mini map when firing is not a good idea, the new perk system is taking me some time to get used to since it is so iconic and the progression system is very 50/50. On the one hand I love the fact it requires you to use all the guns as this really helps someone smoothed brain like me to keep playing. On the other hand, fuck using all these guns to unlock my 67th red dot sight for pistol 42 please it is silly.

Also need to mention that it has not launched very well, very buggy, crashy and not well optimised but hopefully season 1 fixes these issues, at the very least it is adding back hardcore which is fine.

Overall, its better then the last 2 and given its the first COD with a 2 year cycle, even with its rough launch I do believe it has the potential to be very good.

Reviewed on Nov 04, 2022
