I have been playing sense Beta 1.7.3, and have continued up until currently release of 1.20.

I haven't found myself disagreeing with many of the newer versions and many have stressed online (and by newer I mean past version release 1.8 and under) I think they have all been lovely addition to the game be them mechanical additions or aesthetic updates (like added biomes or concrete.)

My only grip is how fast updates come up leaving very little time for mod devs to update their mods for the game. Having to juggle many different versions is annoying. I also see the game progressing lack luster which either makes it or breaks it for some types of gamers.

Overall a great game over the years. Was my childhood and now into the early twenties. If you somehow have yet to try it, if you like exploration and building, I recommend typing it out on Java Edition.

Reviewed on May 14, 2024

1 Comment

1 month ago
