This is the definitive Persona 3 experience! Yes, the original has its own uniqueness and charm to it with certain features absent on this installment. Nevertheless, this own entry is just so rich in the amount of extras they put in that this has to be the way Persona 3 is experienced. The most beautiful Iwatodai has ever been. A combat system that always feels rewarding in its challenge but without the tedium of the original. New hangout events that explore more of the characters that were missing in the main game as some weren’t social links. This game has it all.

Presentation-wise, this game is a direct upgrade on all matters of visuals. The portraits look so much better with how detailed they are to match the newer persona games, not to put down the original but as much “SOVL” the designs had, the polish here just makes them worlds apart. It also looks graphically amazing, turning the PS2 game into this modern world in the same style as Persona 5 with how vibrant everything looks. The menu and UIs look amazing that it never feels bothersome staring at menus for hours as you would typically do in a JRPG, though I have a slight issue with how boring a lot of the fonts are, being some basic Arial variant. In terms of music, I have to agree that the new remixes of original tracks just don’t hit on the same level. However, the newer tracks themselves are amazing and further heighten the amazing experience of playing Reload as it completely turns this game into its identity separate from previous iterations.

For its gameplay, Persona 3 Reload is essentially the modern version of Persona 3. You have your daily life sections and your dungeon crawling sections which is standard of Persona of course. There’s not much to get into here broadly speaking since it's as great as the formula that made me fall in love with the franchise in the first place. What I do like which I think are new additions are the computer apps that do a variety of things such as increase stat or help with social links, which is great since now you have more options at night. There’s also hangouts that I mentioned earlier with characters that aren’t part of social links like Junpei and Akihiko which are honestly pretty interesting to read through, but the fact that they aren’t social links and only provide stat bonuses gives little incentive to do these hangouts compared to further progressing social links.

The tartarus gameplay is where things really improved though, each block now has a very distinct look and map design making things feel less repetitive. Combat has gone through a massive upgrade with the additions of theurgies and shifting allowing for a greater degree of freedom and power. I played this game on merciless difficulty and although it's challenging, it also always feels fair. Bosses always have some out to them be it a weakness, ailment or enough damage without feeling spongy. Some might dislike the removal of splitting the party but I always saw that as a crutch to how barebones the dungeons are. Also just the sheer amount of new content like the Monad sections and being able to let underleveled party members catch up just makes everything worth it.

Although it has a lot of nitpicky issues for me, Persona 3 has still one of the greatest narratives I’ve witnessed in gaming. Its core message and living life to the fullest and being aware of your own mortality making that life all the more meaningful, although a tad preachy, still connects as the whole daily life system that modern Persona games uses is thematically most resonant with this very story as you make choices in how you try to get the most out of your life. Although I did complain about hangouts not having worthwhile in-game bonuses to them, I think it does add to the themes of Persona 3 as you’re essentially weighing in that connection with a worthwhile friend against min-maxing an efficient life. It really is just like life. But what exemplifies these ideas even more is how Tartarus comes into this, as members of SEES have that to deal with while living their lives. Junpei for example finds the dark hour to be his calling, while characters like Yukari and Mitsuru consider it as a curse as the ones who took their loved ones from them. Persona 3 beautifully develops its characters in perfect tandem with the story weaving in a structure where all feels fulfilled by the very end. I do have some issues I can’t help but point out such as how the airplanes work with the existence of the dark hour or how much it actually affects the world with different time zones and all, but most of that doesn’t really conflict with the actual point of Persona 3.

So play Persona 3 Reload. It’s the best way to experience Persona 3. Live out that daily life of a highschooler who battles shadows at night. Make those unforgettable bonds with those social links and hangouts. Save the world from apathy! Enjoy the whole experience revamped to how I always wanted it to play.

Reviewed on Feb 18, 2024
