As my very first entry into the Metroid series, consider me hooked!

The atmosphere is crazy chilling with the perfect ambience and occasional music really sells the horrors of outer space on an alien planet with the graphics perfectly depicting with amazing visual clarity of the tone and setting of Samus’s adventure. Interactable environments are always noticeable with something distinguishable so you’re never really lost as long as you properly pay attention to your surroundings.

Although Samus starts off with a small kit of tools, her arsenal steadily grows at an even pace where a newcomer like me is never once overwhelmed by the amount of stuff to do. The same applies in its level design as despite it being non-linear with many places to explore, I never feel like I’m lost and even if I am, the Chozo statues usually point towards where to head next.

Just when I thought the game was over, it surprises me with the added content where I get to use my Smash Bros main, Zero Suit Samus! As someone who’s only ever known Metroid from other media, the game really sells me on all the icons I know like Ridley and Metroids being there and as threatening as I imagined them to be.

My only issues with the game is that despite its ambitious attempt in telling a story since its a remake of the original, it ultimately left me unsatisfied as there really isn’t that much of a strong narrative beyond Samus trying to make for her escape. The Chozo ruins and legend stuff look intriguing but I have no reason to wander further on what its all about. Nonetheless, if this is just the start to the legacy I am definitely can get myself invested in.

So invested enough that after playing this, I’m heading straight to the next one. Though I’m unsure if I’ll be going with AM2R or Samus Returns 3DS?

Reviewed on Jun 25, 2024

1 Comment

9 days ago

very cool game, glad you liked it ^^