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I've been playing a lot of video games lately instead of reading or watching movies and am feeling a little guilty. Books and movies pertain to my work as a writer a bit more. If I'm spending my time not writing reading books or watching movies then at least I'm consuming things that might influence my writing, things I might learn from. And it's not like video games are totally unrelated to what I do. It's art. All art is input, and all input is valuable.

But I mean. My engagement with video games can be pretty mindless, especially relative to other mediums. I like when the man jump. I like when the gun shoot.

Writing about games, then, is a way of alleviating the guilt. If I can articulate what I like or dislike about a game in prose then it feels like less of a waste of time!


A few weeks ago I found a CRT by the dumpster near my house. I've always wanted a CRT, so I lugged the sucker home and, once finding that it worked, looked on Craigslist for any cheap listings for retro video game consoles, and my goodness look! A PS2 complete with components, two controllers, a memory card, and three games, for a mere $80! God works in mysterious ways, yet we follow Her lead.

I met the guy in the parking lot of a technical school on the outskirts of town. He gave me The Goods in a Trader Joe's bag. He was an awkward, nerdy looking late millenial guy. I was also awkward, of course. I mean to cast no shade. We kept it terse, and I was on my way.

The three games that came with the console: Max Payne, Tom Clancy's Splinter cell, and (drum roll) Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. Max Payne is what most excited me. I have it on Steam and tried getting into it a few times, never clicked. Maybe this would get me to finally finish it.

Alas! The PS2 port of Max Payne is...not good! We're talking frame drops in gun fights rendering the scene Power Point esque. We're talking shitty twin stick shooter controls (KB+M forever, motherfuckers!!!). When people look back to the PS2 with reverence they seem to forget that it was the weakest console of that generation, and that its ports tended to be the worst.

I'll come back to Max Payne. Someday.

Next I tried Prince of Persia.