Cobalt Core is an absolute delight. It's Slay the Spire meets FTL, and that should sell you on its premise right at the gate.
If you're still skeptical then hear me out. (Minor spoilers)

It's a deck-builder set in a space time-loop. You pick three characters to set up your starting deck along with a ship and try to make it through three stages to reach the end. At the end of each loop, depending on which characters you play with, you can unlock memories for one of the characters on your ship.

I feel like the writers and I have the exact same sense of humor because the dialog in the game is perfect. They got me laughing at loud multiple times - I especially love Peri's second memory. IYKYK. The game strikes a good balance between absurdism and seriousness that's really difficult to pull of and I think they landed it with flying colors. There are a couple of 'oh shit' story moments too that hit me harder then they should have, don't you worry.

There are a wide variety of cards and mechanics that keep you on your toes. I managed to hone in on a number of good strategies, and each of them felt satisfying when they hit.

If I could be a little bit critical, there are definitely characters that stand out above the rest. If I want to win, I take Riggs, I think she's nuts. If I want to have a hard time, I take Max or Books. The later don't feel like they can do too much on their own, which is fine, but sometimes I end up removing all of their cards in a run just to make my deck more consistent.

Additionally, I won't lie, the game is pretty easy. After getting some strategies down, Normal difficulty became a matter of 'how' and not 'if' I was going to win. Some people have said they beat the game first try, and I can see that. There are harder difficulties however, that make parts of your ship weaker and add bricks to your deck that make things more difficult. I say, if you're looking to have fun, do Normal, and if you're looking for a challenge, crank the difficulty lever to Max and ban Riggs from your ship. That'll get you sweating!

The soundtrack needs a shoutout as well. Aaron Cherof did great, the leitmotifs are banger and the beats are bumpin. The Dreadnought theme is my favorite and it's definitely finding its way onto my playlists.

So yeah, don't sleep on Cobalt Core or Rocket Rat Games. I'm gonna keep my eyes out for whatever these guys do next because this was great and I'd love to see more from them.

Reviewed on Jan 14, 2024
