Left 4 Dead 2 is the only video game I've played so far that properly captures the feeling of being truly alone in a zombie apocalypse. And really, no other game even comes close.

It's also one of the only coop pve shooters worth playing, as countless other developers have tried to recreate what L4D2 did, and failed spectacularly.

As for L4D2 itself? It's fine. Really, it's just kinda fine. I played through the entirety of the L4D2 campaign again this past October and it really kinda struck me how bare bones it is, and how that's both a blessing and a curse. It's a blessing because it's easy to pick up and play with a group of friends. It's a curse, because if it's your Nth time playing the game, it can get to be super fucking boring and repetitive.

I don't think L4D2 would stand to improve from adding any more complexity to it though, I think that Valve developed the game to be the former (quick, easy, fun with friends) and kinda got stuck with the later on accident (boring and repetitive).

It's also a 15 year old game by now, so maybe I've just played too much of it.

I guess to summarize: it's solid. Not exemplary, not too flashy, it came, it saw, something something, 'pills here'.

Reviewed on Jan 17, 2024
