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Time Played

4h 40m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

June 7, 2024

Platforms Played


A Dance of Fire and Ice is a very strong contender for one of my favorite rhythm games ever.

Unlike a significant portion of its peers, ADoFaI's main gimmick is its decently strict expectations; mostly in the game's earlier stages and during all speed trials, the game demands near perfection. Any miss will end your run, where you'll either restart from the beginning or from the most recent checkpoint. Checkpoints only start being introduced once the more difficult levels kick in, but they're placed pretty fairly, giving players fairly reasonable expectations for segments to clear in one go.

The game also features tutorials in every level that ease the player into rhythms that'll be put in the actual song. In my opinion, it's a pretty great way to get players at least a bit prepared for what's to come once they reach it. It's a good supplement to the trial and error method players like me (read: people who can't sightread for shit) use.

For this replay I got all lanterns for the twelve number world, the bonus world, and the extra levels, only bothering to clear the Muse Dash collab levels (minus EMOMOMO because i didn't feel like doing the speed trial) and Crown Island levels (I cleared It Go and Options for the first time :3). Basically, I did all of the content required for every Steam achievement plus Crown Island.

The music in this game is really good too, especially past the first six stages, and the combination of gameplay and visuals complement the songs very well. It Go in particular is a fantastic culmination of what ADoFaI can be; a brilliant combination of a banger, busy but great to look at animations, and being the most demanding official song in the game that I've played (so excluding EMOMOMO). Jungle City is my absolute favorite from the base game though, undoubtedly.

Overall, I genuinely feel there's nothing wrong with this game that would make me remove a star, even for the sake of being reasonable. I adore this game and just about everything about it.

I'll cover the Neo Cosmos DLC in a separate review, though expect an identical rating.