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A perfect conclusion to the series. Vast improvement on the already good Mask of Deception. The story is more compelling throughout, there's an emotional roller coaster of great moments and the cliches have decreased in quantity and obnoxiousness. The battles are generally more difficult and involved. Every plotline is interesting and everything is wrapped up perfectly. Moments like the Uta 1 cast showing up to help the crew against Woshis's cronies, Haku's visit to Oshtor's mom, and the very end of the epilogue with Hakuoro in particular were big highlights for me. Raiko and Woshis were both good villains, though Raiko was definitely more likable and sympathetic. Haku is a perfect cinnamon roll and his character really excels through the undertaking of Oshtor's persona. The music is fantastic as always, as well as the art. My complaints with the game boil down to it feeling a tad too long due to the multiple points where it feels like the game could've ended but didn't (the rest of the content was good so this didn't bother me too much) and it's kind of annoying having a large number of girls fall in love with Oshtor/Haku, even Kuon despite her not being sure if it was really Haku or not. In the end my complaints are minor and my praises exceptional.

Reviewed on Sep 01, 2021


2 years ago


Kuon actually was in love with Haku even in MoD (she said it herself during the scene after the credits), and she clearly knew that "Oshtor" was Haku, just that she was afraid of being potentially wrong (even though there were no "rational" reasons to think so, that's why she was so hesitant with Haku during a huge portion of MoT. For the large groupe of girls being in love with Haku, I think it was for Shis where it was really annoying and unnecessary for me, for the others I was ok with that since it was really endearing and Haku showed no romantic feelings toward them except Kuon.
Very good review though, I agree with the rest.

2 years ago

True true