This game's super cool. The premise is unique, the character designs are great, and the music is cheesy yet catchy. The gameplay is pretty clunky due to the limitations of 3D on the saturn but it still manages to be fairly enjoyable. Shooting out fires is fun but the aiming is a hassle, jumping feels satisfying but not nearly smooth enough for the platforming they want you to do. Hearing the explosions coming and quickly jumping out of the way isn't difficult at all but it feels cool, and rescuing people while your character comforts them makes you feel like a real anime firefighter. It's pretty easy to lose your bearings in the game but thankfully the directional voice system is usually accurate enough to keep you on track and has the added benefit of being immersive. Overall the game is pretty easy and the bosses tend to be pretty simple on top of the whole game being like an hour long, but it has plenty of soul to make it an enjoyable experience. The voice acting and story aren't the best but they're endearing and have a classic cartoon feeling to them. Also Tillias is really cute.

Reviewed on Sep 06, 2021
