Simultaneously the most interesting and boring RPG I've ever played. Unfortunately the boring part is way more prominent so I'm not vibing with it.

It's like monkey ball if it was made by human beings and not satan. Can be a real pain in the wrist though.


Solid shooter with a lot of neat setpieces and gimmicks. Some levels could drag a bit with a bunch of same-y looking corridors and I wish they did more with the spirit body mechanic since 90% of it was "walk through forcefield, turn off forcefield" but overall it was a good time. Also if you're gonna have Tommy making quips throughout the whole game, there should be more interactions with his little bird buddy.

A game for the truly deranged.

It's a spy game with awful stealth mechanics and several missions that force you to use said stealth mechanics, but otherwise it's a blast to play as a shooter and it excels in one of the most vital properties a game can have: personality. Levels are well-designed and fun to traverse, though completing objectives can be kind of janky. The dialogue can be a bit long-winded, particularly the back and forths with Smith, but it balances parody and sincerity really well and Cate is a very charismatic main character.

While not a particularly enthralling story, it's amazing on a technical level and I'm a big fan of the early 90s sci-fi atmosphere. The aliens are super intense too.

Great models and cute MC but far too slow and menu-heavy.

Certainly an interesting game. The actual process of playing it is pretty awkward and not very enjoyable but the atmosphere and imagery are impressive to say the least. The variety of unsettling events you can encounter is really startling and I can't really think of another game quite like it.

This game is radical. When I went through the standard intro of the hero being rescued from a shipwreck and waking up in an ordinary village, I thought I was going to be playing a JRPG where you travel from town to town and leave behind every NPC to meet new ones. I was pleasantly surprised to find Alundra is a top-class zelda clone with a well-written script and an impressively solid story centering around a single town that endures several twists and tragedies. The gameplay is also great with smooth, straightforward combat and complex dungeons that really feel like actual trials with their complex layouts and occasionally daunting puzzles. It could get exhausting sometimes with some frustratingly strict platforming sections and a couple of the endgame dungeons were downright labyrinthine, but overall it was a great time.

Excellent relaxing atmosphere that is unfortunately completely at odds with its missions in which the time limit and random wind directions cause a surprising amount of stress. Round 4 in particular was a huge nuisance but otherwise it wasn't so bad and you can always just go into try task mode and enjoy the environments and tunes.

An enjoyable sequel that improves on the first game in several ways but still comes out feeling a bit lacking in comparison. The gameplay in general is more polished with far less opportunities for frustrating deaths, you get a nice new hammer to play around with, and levels are more expansive with a wider variety of obstacles. While combat feels more developed than the original game, it still remains fairly simple and repetitive and there's far too much of it. I still had a good time but I definitely prefer the simple nature of the first game.

Cool game! Has satisfying stealth kills and very well-made environments. There was some tedium like trying to find the one spot you need to walk on to complete a level and tracking down the stragglers in Tatsumaru's levels on top of awkward combat and the aggressively short line of sight but overall it was a very fun experience.

I like how the default attack has both power and range so it always feels like you're on pretty even footing with the enemies despite the game having its fair share of unfair obstacles. I don't know what they were thinking with that mandara boss.

I'm sure if I was 10 years old and playing this with my brother during PIZZA TIME it would make the repetitive button mashing a lot more enjoyable.

It's just another quarter-munching shmup with nice artwork. The bullet speed and density make it a massive pain to play in co-op where you also have two sets up player bullets cluttering the screen. Marion's cute though.