This game is really damn pretty, im stunned at the quality of this remaster. Driving through Lost Haven while its raining at night with all the neon signs was fucking beautiful. Story wise its pretty good, some really cool mission ideas and a good ending. Gameplay is fine, driving could be better, the linearity of the game makes having an open world kind of pointless and there's a very small selection of weapons but considering it came out in 2002 originally its easy to ignore when killing people and vibing as a mafioso is as fun as it is. Im not a fan of the way games have been doing blood lately, just like pasting it onto the models instead of making it is own entity but thats just more of a problem in general than with this game. Anyways besides a couple graphical graphical glitches and one crash, it was really great to see where it all began after having played Mafia II all those years ago. This is how you do a remaster.

Reviewed on Nov 08, 2021
