I'm conflicted on this one. On one hand I was really surprised by how much I enjoyed this game. The motion controls were actually fun (coming from someone who hates them the vast majority of the time) and of course the art and music is pretty great even if not exactly my style. So i was having lots of fun with it (Shiki is a great character) and was leaning towards giving it a 4.5/5 but then it ended. And i just have a sour taste in my mouth i guess. Not because the ending is bad, reading about what it meant I actually think its a good one even. But it left me incredibly disappointed nonetheless. My big problem with this game and the thing preventing me from loving it is the story structure. Now I haven't found anyone online with this opinion so maybe its just me but the way it delivers all its story beats is incredibly abrupt. Sometimes stuff just happens and then like fifteen minutes late it gets explained. Which probably doesnt sound that bad but it really grated me. The abruptness of it all completely removed all of the weight. Now theres smaller things like Beat's relationship with Rhyme and Shikis identity issues which were handled incredibly well and moved me quite a bit and didnt really feel abrupt at all, but then theres stuff like the ending that just happens so fast that sitting there at the credits, everything felt really unearned. Im really sad the ending dissapointed me so much, hell i played this game over the free trial week and bought it anyway because I was enjoying it so much but now as its over im just left empty. Its still a great game obviously and I'd recommend this to everyone especially since it seems this view is pretty rare but yeah. I did buy Neo though and im looking forward to that a bit. Thoughts still messy on this one lol but yeah.

Reviewed on Nov 15, 2021
