This game is pretty good, even if its not as strong as the first! The first trial is quite frankly not very good, the second trial is really good, the third trial is a bit over-hated but still not great and the last trial is really good if a little too long. So where does that leave us? Fortunately, even when Ace Attorney is at its worst its quite entertaining. Franziska is nowhere near as compelling as Edgeworth, but she's still a pretty good antagonist (and also pretty) and Pearl is a great addition to the Maya and Phoenix duo, even if she should've been in it a little more. The strong character development shown in the first one is mostly absent here until the final chapter where Edgeworth shines once again and Phoenix gets a little arc of his own where in the end it ties itself together pretty nicely. Although I still have some more complaints. The presenting/investigating felt a lot more obtuse in this game, especially in the third case where you're supposed to guess something based on the lower portion of a character in a series where you are only shown half sprites. Things like that were really frustrating and made the game feel a lot less intuitive than the first. That being said, despite the complaints it was still another enjoyable chapter in the series. I'd like to point out that the character animations were very creative and had me laughing (or horrified) on several occasions. Anyways, Maya is cute.

Nancymeter - 85/100

Reviewed on Jan 17, 2022
