This game was great! A very pleasant surprise. The story was interesting and the characters too, theres a twist about halfway through that changes tone of things and it was just awesome. There are some really sick visuals, it was just the right amount of "quirky indie game" and while not all the songs were as boppin as I would of liked, the ones that do bang bang really hard. The gameplay was also really fun, but I think after you get your arm its a little too easy. There is very little negatives I can think of, I only wish I could play more of it!. The only downside that comes into mind is that the graphics happen to be so minimalist at times its really easy to accidentally run into invisible geometry, which can feel a little clunky. There was also an annoying glitch where I was stuck in the menu despite the game continuing near the end that caused me to restart a boss, but it was the only glitch I had happen. Overall, this game was pretty dang cool and I am probably gonna go for those other endings

Time Played - 7 hours 30 minutes
Rating - 93/100
Completion #17 of 2022

Reviewed on Feb 24, 2022


2 years ago

thankfully this game keeps track of playtime (i rounded a bit) but some of the others have a bit more guessing involved lol

2 years ago

Think of how many different stopwatches she'd need the way she bounces between games :p