A good standalone, and its iconicness(pretend thats a real word) is not to be understated. It's got a great atmosphere/aesthetic and the story can be quite hilarious, but unfortunately for me after having 100% completed it (despite two trophies glitching -_-) in the end it just fell a bit samey, which I know everyone says for every Far Cry game but I've felt it the most so far in this one. All there really is to do outside of the short story is collectibles, the same two types of side missions and outposts (garrisons in this). Which is perfectly fine, It's a short standalone i got for like 12 bucks but it holds it back from being anything more than a good experience. Theres also a sad lack of boss fights in the main story and as funny as Rex's one-liners are, there are not enough of them for how often they repeat. All that negativity aside, its a fun distraction for someone wanting a few laughs and to have a good time killing people with lasers. What more could you ask for really?

Trophy Completion - 90%
In Game Completion - 100%
Time Played - 11 hours
Rating - 75/100
Completion #18 of 2022

Reviewed on Feb 27, 2022


2 years ago

Now we've both been robbed a platinum because of stupid trophy glitches this year :(

2 years ago

it doesnt have a platinum thankfully but town of light did and that did the same thing to me :(