So after abandoning it a while ago I finally came around to finishing RE4. And I know a lot of people love this one, But i'd be lying if I said i enjoyed my time with it. The first chapter or so was actually quite fun but the charm quickly wore off and I was left with a tedious annoying and downright exhausting 20 hours of playtime. The big issue is for one, the controls. They suck. This works for the first three games as it helps make things more tense. But Re4 isnt a slow paced horror game, its an action game. And Leon's slower than my dead grandma's reaction time combined with the large amount of damage each attack does made most of the game pretty frustrating to get through. By the end I was pretty checked out and just wanting to get it over with. The story is whatever (not that it matters much, its Resident Evil) but the conclusion is very weak and underwhelming, so to get through the torture that is the main game and finish with a lackluster boss fight has left this game with a sour taste in my mouth, I can confidently say its my least favorite of the main series. I cant deny the importance and impact of this game on the industry, and there were moments where I almost liked it, but overall I do not think this game has aged very well at all. Also, what sadistic asshole decided to make Ashley take friendly fire?

Trophy Completion - 52%
Time Played - 19 hours 48 minutes
Nancymeter - 55/100
Game Completion #26 of 2022
March Completion #5

Reviewed on Mar 17, 2022
