So here it is, the first new release of the year that I've finished. I thought the first game was decent from what I played, and I didnt really like the second one so i wasnt in any rush to get around to it but I was pleasantly surprised when it was announced as a PS Now game. I figured I might as well give it a shot then, and I ended up having a pretty good time. The combat feels really fun and the music is pretty sweet. Nearly all the enemy designs are dope and the locations are very pleasing to look at and fight in. Also its nice that Wang is finally not being voiced by a white guy trying really hard and uncomfortably to do an accent, but Hoji still remains to possibly be the most annoyingly voiced character ever. The story isnt particularly good, but for the type of game it is I enjoyed it, and all the stuff with the dragon was pretty fun. The characters are mostly fine (besides Hoji god he is so annoying) and while most of the humor is pretty awkward and not very funny, it did get me to laugh a few times. The combat itself is very fun and fast paced, with lots of options and all the weapons feel good to use.
Only real issue is just that theres not a lot of content there. I enjoyed the game enough to platinum it and find all the collectibles, so it ended up taking me around 9 or so hours to complete it, which is perfect length for me. But its kinda just missing a lot. Theres no chapter select or new game +, once you get the grappling hook early on the traversal doesnt evolve or get particularly challenging outside of one or two occasions. The level structure can sometimes feel a little samey, often the gameplay loop being traversal section into combat arena and repeat, which isnt really a bad thing as it was always fun but just felt like they could've done more to blend the two. There's also only two boss fights in the entire game which feels like a huge missed opportunity as they were really fun. The game also lacks polish, some cutscene lag and i fell through the floor a few times but honestly it wasnt that common of an occurence.
All that being said, Shadow Warrior 3 is a really damn fun time, I enjoyed almost all of it. But I wouldn't reccomend buying this unless its on sale, as despite the quality the asking price is still a bit much for what you get. If they added new game + and some kind of endless arena mode or something i feel like that'd go a long way. But regardless this was a really enjoyable step for the series and theres lots of potential so I am for once looking forward to where it goes next

Trophy Completion - 100%
Time Played - 9 hours
Nancymeter - 83/100
Game Completion #30 of 2022
March Completion #9

Reviewed on Mar 28, 2022

1 Comment

2 years ago

Nice review! So I'm getting that the game is fun and Hoji was your favourite huh