This game was honestly everything that I was hoping for from the first one. They improved on just about everything. Most importantly they kept the cool psychological levels while getting rid of the god-awful platforming. The location variety is an improvement but it was still mostly the same dull apartments, at the very least the few times you do backtrack its to the most interesting area in the game. Just like in the original the voice acting and dialogue is incredible and really sell the tone, plus all the henchmen dialogue or advertisements on TV you'll pass by are pretty funny. I think all of that is improved here though, as while the story is still told pretty cryptically it was actually interesting this time around. Im not gonna say I understand it but I think it was well paced with a good conclusion.
The combat itself also felt a lot more enjoyable. I played the first on ps4 and then this on a laptop with an awful trackpad (do not recommend) so it certainly wasnt the controls. I think overall outside of a few mildly annoying sections its a lot more balanced and I never got mad at it like i did with the first. The enemy ragdolls flicks wildly between realism and absurdity so killing enemies is always a good time, only real complaint there is that I feel like blood levels were too minimal, but I might just be a weirdo. Another thing worth mentioning is that the checkpoints are horrendous, but you can save at any time. I feel like this encourages saving every ten seconds and kinda takes away from the experience but maybe I just suck and was playing wrong, who knows. And while its mostly pretty subtle, the soundtrack fits really splendidly.
Overall, Max Payne 2 is everything a sequel should be. It improves on all the fun stuff, continues the story in a compelling way and all In all just makes it hard to wanna go back to the original.

Time Played - 8 hours 15 minutes
Nancymeter - 85/100
Game Completion #31 of 2022
March Completion #10

Reviewed on Mar 28, 2022

1 Comment

2 years ago

Aw I'm so glad you liked it! I was real worried when you said you were gunna have to play with a trackpad but you stuck it out and did what even I, a seasoned pro gamer, couldn't :p Maybe I will have to replay these after all...