So I just wanna say... any game that has dinosaurs in it is automatically cool. But uh, this one just aint It i think. It is another boring survival game that runs abhorrently on consoles. Its pretty much impossible to figure out what you're supposed to even do without watching 10 youtube tutorials by people who have been indoctrinated to enjoy this game. The character creator is also just... what the fuck? The default male character is like dollar store M.Bison and even just the textures on their characters arms when you first start up a new island is terrifying, the female character particularly seems to have her fingernails grown into claws and its just awful all around. BUT this game does have a setting called "poop interval" which made me laugh so all is forgiven.

Oh, the platinum is pretty easy too. Doubt I would of given this a shot otherwise.

Trophy Completion - 100% (33/33 Platinum #195)
Time Played - 2 hours 50 minutes
Nancymeter - 40/100

Reviewed on May 15, 2022


2 years ago

Damn you speedran the hell outta this :p

2 years ago

I think my most regretted video game financial decision to this day was buying ARK on a Steam Sale for $30 back in 2017; I was so naive to think that my poor 1060 could run it well...

2 years ago

I had a lot of fun playing this with friends a few years back but we had to play it on a modded server where dinosaurs don't take up to 24(!) real time hours to tame... It runs like utter crap on PC too. Average 20-40 FPS on minimum settings regardless of specs at the time.