This really is just a mini version of the first game. If you enjoyed the gameplay and style of MFP and wanted more of it, I think you'll probably enjoy this too. The controls are a little weird but they didnt take long to get used to.

There are 37 levels in total, although 3 or 4 of them barely count as ones. The lack of boss fights and difficulty does make this already short game breeze by really quickly. It does offer some replayability if you want to try to earn three stars in all the levels at least. A lot of the mechanics are just from the original but theres enough new to keep things fresh. I enjoyed the motorbike sections but it never added much to make them more interesting.

The only big issue is the ads. You can pay a pretty small fee to get rid of them and unlock a new mode, but for a game thats so short already it personally didnt feel worth it. The ads can be pretty intrusive, you'll almost always get one after completing a level, even the really short ones. You also have to watch an ad to restart if you die or sometimes even just to continue where you left off. This can be pretty annoying and definitely might hinder enjoyment, but it got less annoying as the game went on.

Anyways, overall this is actually really solid for a mobile game spinoff, I quite enjoyed the two hours of distraction. I hope to see some more of this wacky series in the future.

5/10 Google Play Achievements
Nancymeter - 67/100
Game Completion #88 of 2022
Mobile Game Completion #5 of 2022
August Completion #8

Reviewed on Aug 08, 2022


1 year ago

I didn't even know this was a thing until you made this review, so thank you ha

1 year ago

Lmao even logging your Google Play Achievements, now that's some pro gamer shit :p
Shame about the ads, otherwise, I would consider getting this. Great review btw!