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Something about this game really clicked with me; the antiquated graphics dressed in garish colour palettes, the absurdist tone of the game and how, despite seemingly random things being thrown together at first glance, there is a rhyme and reason to all of it that speaks on a subliminal level.

About what? Nobody seems to really know, but I liked to always think of it as an allegory for how life, and its many hurdles, can shape and change us as people and how, if we stay complacent for too long, we will never become something better.

This philosophy can be applied to not just who we are as people, but our passions and professions; Artists staying complacent in their skill level stagnate and cannot become better at their craft, as an example.

Settling for a minimum instead of reaching for something further.

If you want to make something of this life, you cannot be complacent; lest you will never reach your full potential.

Some people would look at this and probably think it's worthless garbage but to me, this is yet another example of what games as an art from could achieve.

It's ugly, it's flawed and it's indescribably beautiful.