Sect-Machina is a good proof of concept.

The spritework for both the main character and the environments is fantastic, has loads of personality to it. I also liked the animations, nice and fluid. I think the enemies could have more impactful animations when being hit, as currently they don't react to being hit except a dust cloud which kind of takes the "oomph" out of attacking them.

Some issues I had regarding this game were some of the movement, sound issues and lack of a map.
The movement in general is pretty good, for some reason the dash was mapped to the options menu on my PS4 controller which made it harder to use for me. The sliding down walls needs a little more speed as it hinders maneuverability for the player; it doesn't feel the most intuitive to make a wall jump in tight spaces because of this.

The combat could use a little work, it does the job but it's very basic in this current state, and it has potential for more engaging mechanics.

Don't understand why people got confused by the blue bar, I figured out what it does very early on, which is health regen charged up by gaining hits on enemies, similar to the system used in Hollow Knight. Not a bad idea.

The sound options don't really seem to work either, I had to use the options on my desktop to turn the game volume down manually. Not a big deal but kind of annoying.

I stopped playing because the game bugged out (ha) and didn't feel like continuing but from what I did play, I would like to see more of it in a more finished state.

Good job to the devs, I'm excited to see where this goes.

Reviewed on Sep 16, 2023
