A short, lighthearted point and click adventure set in a universe inhabited by alligators.

In Later Alligator, you attempt to help Pat - a paranoid, jumpy and scatter-brained fellow who thinks his family might be out for his head.

Although it isn't long, the game hands you the reins to explore a city where you'll find a myriad of colourful characters, each one having a distinct flavour to the last.

By meeting the different characters, you'll be given the chance to complete a wide series of a variety of minigames, ranging from pinball, slider puzzles, a dating sim, five finger fillet, etc. etc.
You don't have to complete them all to win the game, but I enjoyed my time with most of them and it's nice that there is a lot to choose from to fill out the time.

Although there's so many different minigames to play, the Mario Party-esque nature of them means that the game has no real direction in coherency of gameplay and some of the minigames can feel janky.
Despite this, looking past this flaw isn't too hard considering what the rest of the game has to offer.

The writing is lighthearted and obviously isn't meant to be taken seriously, but the goofy nature of the game together with its cast of idiosyncratic personalities definitely helps elevate what is essentially a minimal mystery plot wrapped around a collection of mini games.

The art style is distinct and has an interesting use of its bleached colour palettes. I enjoyed the different portrayals of the alligators with different snouts, eyes, noses etc., some of the looked quite funny too.

One thing I definitely was surprised but nonetheless VERY impressed by was all of the fabulous animation work for just about any area, character, locale, minigame - you name it.
All of it is lovingly brought to life in hand-drawn animation that, along with its alligator-themed world, sets Later Alligator apart from many of its ilk in that regard.

Lastly, the soundtrack is both fitting, moody and eccentric in all the right ways for its scenarios that they feature in. It accompanies the game well, but also stands on its own as nice pieces of music too.

To sum it up, Later Alligator is a solid point and click game that is a little bit distracted by its attempt to try so many different things at once, but nonetheless is an enjoyable experience on a lot of fronts.

Reviewed on Jul 17, 2023
