1 Review liked by NedNomer305

Hate. Let me tell you how much I've come to hate TaleSpin for the Sega Genesis since I began to live.

As nostalgic as I am for the games of my youth, I will concede that in terms of overall quality, gaming is currently at its peak. Budgets have ballooned to astronomical heights, and studios simply aren't willing to take a risk anymore. While this means there's very little innovation happening from the major studios today, you can at least expect a new title to be good enough that the publisher will recoup their investment. Another way of putting this is that they don't make games like TaleSpin anymore, because it would result in the immediate closure of a studio and the construction of gallows outside their hollowed out offices.

Bad games today are simply boring. Bad games in the 90s were a feast for the senses, so offensive in their mere existence that it was hard not to have a real visceral reaction to them. And in the 90s, it really didn't matter if you put out a stinker. You could recover from that, then pinch out ten more like it's nothing. Oh sure, you might see old photographs of Toys R' Us shelves packed with all the classics, the big names that will make you wistful for times long past, but the reality was that you were walking a minefield every time you went to buy or rent a new game. For every Mario World there was 15 TaleSpins waiting in the wings ready to fan the flames of violence in your adolescent heart.

And that's how it was for me. I'd go with my mom to Wal-Mart one month and pick up Sonic 2 and I'd be the happiest boy alive. I'd go in there the next month and BOOM, my leg is blown off and sitting next to a copy of this piece of trash.

You take control of Baloo or Kit Cloudkicker. It doesn't matter who you pick, they both control like garbage. You'll slip and slide around levels with really tight platforming, never quite feeling in control of your character. There's a few levels that are confusing to navigate, but all of them lack any sort of forethought to their design and are completely unenjoyable to explore. Every now and then you're given a respite in the form of an aerial combat stage, and these are maybe the least offensive part of the game, but still squirrely and bad. The lowest point the game sinks to are its boss battles. The feedback on hits is really poor and the bosses are complete sponges. They also just go completely ham on you, and with the controls being as bad as they are, I found it very difficult to dodge their projectiles.

TaleSpin is up there with Flying Edge's Addam's Family in the pantheon of terrible Sega Genesis games. Both beat me as a kid, so ruthlessly and with such emotional shock that my very brain chemistry was altered. I have a compulsion now to beat every game I own, no matter how much I might dislike some of them. I can't let the game win, you see. Over time, these two titles twisted in my mind, becoming tumors that I had to excise. Well, I did it. Was it worth it? Hell no. But the deed is done, and there is perhaps some comfort in knowing I have absolutely no reason to ever touch TaleSpin ever again.

this game is 35 dollars on ebay