I really like the ambition behind this title and the horizontal sections are pretty neat but good lord the cockpit sections are absolute ass to play through, both because the sprite of the enemy/area of the enemy you want to hit vs the actual bit where the hit will register do not match up in the slightest, and it gets pretty frustrating to pump 10 shots into the center of a rock with no effect only to die to it. On top of that, you have to deal with some weird dialogue puzzle where certain options in a certain order will increase some score up to 100% which enables you to defeat the enemy somehow? There's no way to tell what wlll work or what options will evolve into so it just feels like blind guessing all the time, which is not a good way to make me feel like i have agency. Even worse, there are loooong periods of downtime between enemy attacks where there is just nothing happening and you're stuck waiting forever for an undodgeable attack to hit you in 0.75 second.
The run n' gun sections are basically just 2d mazes with fairly punishing combat and scarce resources. They're not the worst kind of mazes since you can map your way around with the layout depending on holes rather than some doorways or whatever. That being said it's still not the most fun thing to navigate, and the game's palette issues make the backgrounds not the prettiest things to look at.

What I enjoyed the most by far were the Ninja Gaiden-style cinematics, where you could tell the game was really trying to tell a story with well-defined characters and lovely art. The pure shoot'em up sections were, as I said, quite neat and the game really has a lot of ideas and ambition, which is something I definitely respect. I could have tolerated dealing with either the run n' gun mazes or the cockpit sections as individual sticking points but both in the same game just drag it down too far for me to keep enjoying.

Reviewed on Jun 08, 2024
