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There's certain games that personally feel complete and true to the experience when played with 4 people, any lesser amount of people while still fun, doesn't bring that same joy/complete feeling. This game holds some of the greatest memories I've had with 4 player local multiplayer. From the unique artstyle, awesome/creative stages, diverse/cool characters, incredibly chaotic, whacky, and weird items. And ultimately, the simple to understand fighting mechanics, are what makes this one of the most charming and exciting local multiplayer experiences I've had. The co-op story mode is also pretty nice, allowing you to chose whatever path/stage you progress through is awesome. Personally, never really get to experience 4 player local multiplayer much with friends as I once did, so it's rare I play this these days, but whenever I get the chance, I'm always laughing and generally excited as I was when I was a kid. Only critique I would truly say is, I wish there was more stage choices, after repeating over the same 6 or so stages(Original Mode), it can get a bit tiring seeing the same locals over and over, but again the few stages provided are still none the less wonderfully made.