This feels like a troll game more than a game; secrets are meant to be secrets, not a mandatory thing, except that the whole game is based on that concept, and as you can guess, it doesn't fucking work, imagine having to understand the entire FNAF lore for the FNAF games to be playable, this is the game. This piece of cat shit is extremely confusing as to where you need to go and instead gives you stupid tips and expects you to understand them, and a lot of the tips are also hidden without tips to find the tips. It also doesn't help that most areas look the same with slightly different colors.
And here it comes the: "Erm, actually, just use a guide or a proper translation and the game becomes good"; first, if the game is good then it doesn't need a guide to be playable in the first place, Second, the game is still shit even with a guide and stopping to check the guide every 10 seconds is not fun, it only makes this pile of shit playable. How do you explain these? The faster whip is just there to hold your hand, you will find yourself mashing to kill enemies and not strategizing when to attack like the first game, the game is pretty easy, just very tedious that if you ever take damage to any enemy, they're either badly placed or you're too bored to pay attention to them, and wow, the enemy placements... the game can place them right after screen transitions... Devs were too lazy to make a checkpoint system so instead they respawn you right where you died with a few I-frames but without your currency (if you game over), and if you died by falling, it respawns you on the very edge of your failed jump, making you accidentally fall off again by walking 1 pixel, or what about false floors that make you backtrack from Japan to Brazil, enemies either stand still and shoot, walk back and forth or fly towards you, dead ends and a lot of walking (corridors with or without enemies or devs with stairs fetish just putting stairs everywhere where you go up and down slooooooowly) that are only there to waste the player's time; the bosses are somehow WAY worse than the ones from the first game, and you get like 4 places to heal in the whole game that barely feels useful for not resetting lives, just buy what you want and die to reset lives next to where you will start to farm, again.
The very few positives are very small things that can't get the game any higher, movement is better if not the same as 1, visuals are slightly better though they still don't look so good and a lot of places look the same with different colors, music isn't as forgettable as 1 but they're very mediocre and you will listen to the same 4 for the whole game.
Worst game I logged in to this website though I still completed it for the sake of getting to know the series, what a terrible game that uses secrets as 95% of its design, this piece of garbo is unironically... A miserable little pile of secrets

Reviewed on Nov 10, 2023
