I think this is the hardest thing Iv ever had to rate. The performance should make it a 0 but the fun that is buried under the metric ton of jank and just pure garbage, broken elements is so enjoyable that I have to rate it more. This is the future of the series. It needs so much more polish and time but this is what the series should be. It takes the old things and polished them and shaped them into a fresh style. Gyms are still gyms but they have small twists, they are not the life blood anymore.

The story is actually quite touching, following the pattern of the odd number gens. It is leaps and bounds over sword and shields story, in large part to the fact that unfortunately swsh didn’t actually have a story. But there is a heart to this game. I just really wish that it didn’t play like pure garbage.

My issues with performance:
•Crashing multiple times when trying to load gym challenges
•1-5 frames per second
•Battles loading incorrectly
•general overworld jank

My other small issue is the none existent postgame. Sure we get more story this time but a battle tower and some other things to do would have been welcome. It’s completely obvious why post game was emitted, DLC…I’ll save my opinions for when that releases.

Reviewed on Nov 24, 2022


omg so true, the odd number gens man im telling ya

1 year ago

Exactly!! Like I don’t know what it is lol! It’s like a curse 😂