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These games couldn't be found on Backloggd:

BS-X The Legend of Zelda
BS-X The Legend of Zelda: Ancient Stone Tablets
Kaizo Choujin Schbibinman Zero
Kirby's Toy Box

Super Famicom Wars
Super Famicom Wars
The predecessor to Advance Wars. A cartoony turn-based tactics game that's geared for newcomers to the genre.
Radical Dreamers: Le Trésor Interdit
Radical Dreamers: Le Trésor Interdit
Interesting little piece of history, Radical Dreamers is a pseudo-sequel to Chrono Trigger. The story would eventually be changed and re-adapted into what became Chrono Cross.

The gameplay is a little archaic, so it's probably only for hardcore Chrono fans. Basically works a 'choose your own adventure' style text adventure, though there are RPG-lite elements such as battles (even though they are also text based). The visuals are some of the coolest on the system though. If you're really into all things Chrono, check it out, as it's long been patched by fans. There's a full port online here: http://cc.ffsky.cn/rd/
Excitebike: Bun-bun Mario Battle - Stadium 1
Excitebike: Bun-bun Mario Battle - Stadium 1
Remember Excitebike on the NES? This is way more fun, even though it's essentially a remake. You play Excitebike with the colorful cast of Mario characters, and the vibrant and lively SNES graphics make it all the more fun to watch and play.

There's special modes to change up the action from the original (unlimited turbo mode, coin mode) and some minigames, like 'who can jump over the stack of boos', Evel Knievel style. Maybe this is what got Mario on his random sports addiction?
BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2
BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2
Too short to be called an actual sequel (and borrows several tracks from its BS predecessor), but takes place immediately after the first one (it starts off in Mute City 4 - following the theme, at dawn). Has only one league, but it's pretty damn good. Car models have been replaced for other vehicles just as, if not more, badass.

Basically if you master the original SNES F-Zero and want to get just a little bit more of the experience, this is for you.

Note: Only the non-Soundlink/Practice ROM can be found online, but the two Soundlink versions (which contains five NEW tracks in total) have not been dumped as of yet. There are footages of these versions, however.
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