Log Status






Time Played

13h 30m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

August 2, 2023

First played

July 21, 2023

Platforms Played


Story: Could be worse. There are some funny parts but they are mostly one liners here and there. I did not get to annoyed because the story does not take itself to serious but i would not call it a positive for the game.

Gameplay: If you played Borderlands 3 this is almost the same with some slight changes. The Gunplay is great and there is a very decent variety of weapons. I actually was surprised how unique some of them were. This is definitely the best part of the game. If you just want to shoot stuff and relax this could be your game.
I did not like the itemization. Not sure if it was my character but i rarely found loot that was better than my current gear. And if i did it was WAY better. In a way that did not feel intentional. I killed the endboss with a spell i found at level 16. So spell drops become irrelevant for half of the game. But i am not sure how "normal" that is.
There is a roguelike mode at the end but my build was kind of "done" and i did not see anything interesting i wanted to try.

Graphics: Looks good. The areas are quite diverse and some of the more creative zones look quite cool.

Completion: Intense mode full story campaign with some Sidequest. My final level was 28