Bizarrely stressful game. The mechanics of uncovering history and deciphering languages is inspired. However, all the invisible mechanics made everything really anxiety inducing. Am I befriending the robot or not? What information does his master have that I needed to keep secret? I don't mind not knowing what my actions do so much but I do care that I can't tell what is and isn't an important decision or not.

Reviewed on Mar 17, 2021


3 years ago

the big problem with me is that the cause and effect for things feels slightly broken, like the flow of the conversations would often end on aliya being an asshole to six despite how much i tried to be nice or at least neutral. i do like the game in spite of its many problems though

3 years ago

@ludzu Yeah! You're never quite sure what your words are going to do. I got advise to always click "response?" rather than "respond." if you're trying to be nice but that distinction itself is so weird to me too.