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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

January 28, 2022

Platforms Played


I really like but also kinda despise this game. The game is all about exploring areas to find a bunch of collectibles, and on paper it works pretty well. The problem is that the levels are not consistent. The first two stages are great, full of new moves to learn and stuff to find in small, dense areas. The rest of the game is EXTREMELY mixed. Clanker's Cavern is an extremely slow water level that is just not fun at all. Other stages that are mostly fun like Gobi's Valley and Freezeezy peak have really annoying jiggies within them. It becomes especially worse when collectibles like Jinjos and notes get reset upon death, and stages like Rust Bucket Bay has instant death that are not well indicated and annoying with the game's clunky control and weird camera. But... I can't be too harsh on a 3d collectathon this early into the genre's existence. The theming is incredibly creative, and there's a decent number of collectibles that are really fun to find. What hurts it, though, is that you need almost every collectible in the game to beat it. So you can't skip anything that's annoying. Some of the worst ones come with transformations. You can turn into other animals, none of which are very fun to play as and are highly situational, and require an annoying amount of backtracking with sluggish and boring characters. The hub world isn't very fun to navigate, either. It's a jumbled mess structurally. I dunno. Game's cool. Game sucks. This review is pretty messy, but so is the game.