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Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

November 7, 2022

First played

September 30, 2022

Platforms Played


Bayonetta 1 and 2 had a peculiar relationship that few sequels have. Each did some things better and worse than the other, resulting in games that were both pretty great, although for somewhat different reasons. Bayonetta 3 is very much in the same vein, making some great additions and changes and some steps back here and there. The combat is excellent, and feels incredibly satisfying to pull off as you get more weapons and more insane combo potential. Playing on hard mode without using items very much was challenging and rewarding, leading to tense and chaotic boss fights. The monster summons were quite fun, and in my experience couldn't be spammed easily. Music was quite good too, pretty consistent throughout. The area design is mixed, not as consistently strong as 2 visually, but solid. Some areas are lackluster, while others are quite cool. The game uses a lot of gimmicks, which are also inconsistent in quality. Generally, that applies across the board with the whole game. Fun, but all over the place in a way that sometimes works and sometimes doesn't, but still results in a good time.