Deathloop 2021

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

September 22, 2022

First played

September 20, 2022

Platforms Played


This was pretty fun, but I can't help but feel the incredibly cool concept this game has could have been more fleshed out. The game has a pretty stellar opening handful of hours. The concept is fun, and trying to build up an arsenal with the stuff you find and gathering currency to save up between runs is pretty cool. The customizable arsenal on top of the game's freedom to play it as a stealth or action game also helps this element. The beginning is this fun loop of killing of targets, gathering intel, building up the arsenal. However, after a few targets were down, I had a pretty good set of abilities and weapons, and gathering stuff for future runs didn't feel too valuable anymore. It doesn't help that a few of the missions I did at this point got pretty tedious, asking you to run back and forth several times over. However, it picks up again at the end where you need to kill all the targets within a single loop. It's tense and feels satisfying to put everything you've done together. I wish it had a proper final boss, because it felt a tad underwhelming. Now for some general stuff. The presentation is pretty good all around. I like a lot of the character designs, especially for Colt and Julianna. The music and environments are great, with a 70's sort of aesthetic that is really well done. Sometimes enemies blended into the environment a bit, and lighting was a bit bland in places. The animated cutscenes look great, and I wish that style bled into the actual gameplay more. The gunplay feels good, and the open-ended levels lend themselves well to figuring out a route and executing on it. The bosses are pretty underwhelming, Julianna included. She's supposed to be an intimidating hunter, but you can just step on her head in about 4 seconds to win instantly. She's a lot more intimidating if you turn on online so that random players could be Julianna, but that could make things absurdly hard for very little benefit. Stealth was mostly fun, but sometimes it seemed like I would get spotted out of nowhere.

In summation: Pretty fun, glad I played it. Starts great, middle is okay, endgame was good. Solid presentation (music especially), fun and inventive mechanics that could have been taken a lot further. I'd say give it a shot, especially now that it's on gamepass.