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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

January 4, 2022

Platforms Played


A pretty solid fast paced action platformer. It has a good blend of speed, platforming and exploration, all helped by pretty solid controls. Each level has unique gimmicks to keep things fresh, and it goes at a pretty good pace. Bosses are all decently fun too, except a couple near the end that get annoying. Some endgame stages also drag a bit, with overly spammy enemy placement. But overall fun to play.

The story, on the other hand, is not great. It starts out pretty bad with a ton of new characters, places, and ideas being thrown at you too quickly. It gets a bit better as it goes along, but takes an odd tonal shift that feels out of place. The story probably would have benefitted from being smaller scale instead of covering a global power struggle with aliens and stuff. There is an option to turn story off, so not a huge deal.