Log Status






Time Played

10h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

October 22, 2022

First played

October 19, 2022

Platforms Played


This game is a bit all over the place, but consistently fun throughout. Thanks to the structure of hunting down four antagonists, there's a consistent sense of progression and variety. This does mean that some particularly cool areas like the castle don't get a ton of time to shine, but no areas overstay their welcome either. The faster pace and action compared to RE7 is quite fun, and leads to a lot of fun combat encounters. The "survival-horror" has certainly taken a backseat (excluding one noteworthy segment), and conserving my resources didn't feel particularly important a lot of the time. Excluding the final boss, I had tons of resources and only died a small handful of times. Maybe playing on hardcore would be a bit more fulfilling. Regardless, fighting is still very fun, and the re4-style merchant is a welcome addition that allows for more customization and progression. The game is oddly inconsistent in a lot of ways. The tone, speed, gameplay focus, all of it switches around pretty regularly. I could see that bothering some people, but for a low-attention span individual it keeps me hooked. Anyways, game's pretty good. I'd recommend.