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1 day

Last played

January 6, 2022

Platforms Played


A solid metroidvania, hindered by a lack of challenging platforming and is overall just too easy. You get access to some fun movement tools but you really don't need to use them since platforming is more about fighting and dodging enemies than getting around obstacles. This results in having cool movement that feels underutilized. And enemies are not an issue since you can stock up on a TON of cheap healing items. This makes pretty much anything a cakewalk. Exploring is at least fun, and the game will mark the next objective on your map, so you won't get lost if you're just trying to get to the end. There's a weirdly high amount of focus placed on the story given how mediocre it is. It's all skippable, so not a huge problem. Music is good, but not as strong as the music from the past 2 games. Works well visually too, although the transformation animation feels a bit flat. A good game, but not quite worth $30. There's not enough content and that content isn't high enough quality to be worth a ton. Wait for a sale.