This game blows. I had expected it to be a somewhat forgettable, but otherwise fine ratchet and clank game. What I got was so, so much worse. Let's start with controls. They're fine. A bit limited thanks to the psp, but fine. Visually it's also fine. Nothing special, but FINE. The problems pop up in terms of combat. This game's weapons are easily the worst roster the series has ever seen. Size Matter's shotgun might be the worst shotgun in any game. It does basically no damage, even at point blank range. It stinks. The rest of the weapons are better, but still have very little damage output and just don't feel fun or good to use. This is on top of enemies that are extremely annoying and have a ton of health. There's also the nothing level design, obnoxious minigames with terrible controls, and the boring, unfunny, annoying story. Nothing works here. Well, the soundtrack's not bad. Almost nothing.

Reviewed on Aug 10, 2022
