Gunvolt Series Marathon, Part 5 of 5.
This is probably the best Gunvolt game to date, with a few complaints. Let's start with the new character, Kirin. She's really fun to play as. Her gameplay focuses on chaining together killing enemies by throwing talismans at them and then slashing at them to maintain airtime. It gives her a lot of versatility to how she fights while still requiring the player to get up close and personal. She plays like copen from 2 but more fun and balanced in my eyes. Gunvolt returns, but I didn't much like playing as him. He's just too good and trivializes every boss battle. That ties into my main issue. Your first playthrough will be a complete cakewalk assuming you use the mechanics properly. I was feeling a 7 after completing the game. However, you unlock a hard and merciless difficulty, which drastically improve things. It forces you to engage with the mechanics much more, and makes the boss battles some of the best I've ever experienced in a platformer. The game just gets more fun as you go along. Rankings are fun to go for, and it looks pretty good. Although I'm not a fan of most of the new character designs. All in all, game's pretty good.

Reviewed on Sep 02, 2022
