Eh, it's alright. I was excited to check this out on gamepass as a fan of rhythm and FPS games, but I was left fairly underwhelmed. Most of the stuff in this game is done... fine? It looks okay, but it's not particularly memorable visually. The weapons are average and not especially satisfying. I enjoyed the music, but it didn't feel well-suited to the rhythmic nature of the game a lot of the time. Combat is once again, alright. This leads into what really is the biggest issue for me. The game just doesn't FEEL great. Shooting to the beat lacks the satisfying sense of rhythm it really needs to succeed. Comparing it to BPM: Bullets Per Minute, the difference is night and day. While this game is much more varied in many ways than BPM, BPM makes up for it by feeling excellent to just move and shoot, with very satisfying reloading and timing. It's something this game just doesn't have. What you've got here is an alright fps that, despite it's neat ideas, feels derivative and uninspired.

Reviewed on Sep 19, 2022
