A very fun boomer-shooter that does just about everything really well. I wanna get the negatives out of the way first. The writing and humor in this game is pretty dated, even considering it literally came out this year. Not a huge issue, but a lot of jokes just don't land. But the rest of the stuff in this game? Kinda rocks. The movement is very simple but fun. Chaining slide hops to schmoove around and the hook shotgun creates a really kinetic and fast experience. The weapons are some of the best I've ever seen in a shooter. Just about every weapon is useful even to the end of the game, and they're all super satisfying to use. There's a ton of enemies too, which keeps combat encounters varied. The low-poly graphics look great, and it generally feels super polished and fun to play. The level themes are pretty creative and have a ton of visual variety and play into the nightmare theme very well. Basically, you've got clever and cool looking levels, packed with challenging combat encounters with a ton of enemies, that you kill with a stellar arsenal of weapons. Very fun game.

Reviewed on Sep 20, 2022
