I mostly really enjoyed re4 remake, as an avid fan of the original. There were a lot of moments where it felt like it managed to outshine the original, giving the action a new layer of skill with parries and ducking out of the way of enemies. Yet other times it felt needlessly bloated or missed some of the charm of the original. Don't get me wrong, the new versions of Ashley and Luis are great, and have much more depth when compared to their original counterparts. Krauser was also really well done, and his speech during his boss fight was very entertaining.
Salazar and Saddler felt a bit restrained in some ways when compared to their original counterparts, which was a bit unfortunate.

The combat was mostly great, although I had some frustrations. Note, I was playing on hardcore difficulty. Some areas felt unreasonable, but others felt like a very fair challenge. I might recommend standard difficulty over hardcore for veterans of the original, as it gives a bit more leeway for learning the new intricacies of the remake. The Salazar boss fight was needlessly frustrating, and Krauser was okay. The windup to his fight was more satisfying than the actual fight. However, Saddler's fight was fantastic, as was Mendez. The regular combat encounters really varied from fun but hard, to annoying.

One last note is the general personality. The writing and story changes are good. They explain some loose ends from the original and fill a few holes. However, the original is much more over-the-top and dumb, which just inherently appeals to me more.

All in all, game's good. It's hard to compare to the original because of how familiar I am with the first. I will certainly come back to this game in the future, and maybe it'll rise to the same level as the original for me in due time. We'll see.

Reviewed on Jun 21, 2023
