Armored Core: For Answer is the apex of mecha games.

Speaking plainly AC4A,
-Has an amazing score ranging from beautiful keys, fast prog rock to blaring jungle electronic music.
-Great story beats, multiple endings, decisions with equal weight dependent on which missions you take as an independent merc.
-Fast, intense gameplay that places you against the machine, constantly needing to adjust your gameplay based on the scenario and your capabilities as a pilot.
-Nearly perfect customization options. I mean you can put shapes and parts on your mech that serve no purpose but to look cool, but they also add weight to your mech based on whatever side you put it on. Tuning, decent amount of weapons and parts to pick from, color, pattern and decal customization. There's so much depth, you can make a really detailed and stylized mech.
-Had decent multiplayer that could be played with different rule sets and still use every mech you could think of

All these elements come together to create an experience that enables and fully realizes the fantasy that is mecha.

I've long held the opinion that AC4A is one of the most underrated games of all time. The fast and tight gameplay might be a turn off for some people and I get that, but once you master the flow and feel of this game, it's a gorgeous experience. For me this game is a benchmark for the genre. The feeling of flying through the air being a lighting fast WMD efficiently eliminating targets while graceful piano serves as your backdrop is just perfect. This kind of experience has only been matched by a select few outside of the genre.

Reviewed on Sep 07, 2023
