There once was this day, when I entered my favourite game store as a teenager and something caught my attention. It was a plastic box, formed like some devil relic. I had no idea what it was, but it cost 150 bucks. So I asked the shop owner and he told me:
"Man, this is God of War 1-3... YOU HAVE TO PLAY THAT! YOU HAVE A PLAYSTATION!"

And I thought... okay.

Then I went home and funny enough, didn't play it. I gave it to my brother and a couple of days later he screamed at me: "MAN! YOU HAVE TO PLAY THAT! THIS IS AWESOME!"

So I started my God of War adventure and why I picked 3 for the review has the following reason.
I ended God of War 2 and as you know, part 3 immediately continues where 2 left us off. And all of a sudden, the graphics were like pumped up because part 2 was a PS2 game and 3 was released on PS3.
And damn, this first sequence... Climbing up Olympus on the back of a titan, fighting Poseidon. This will forever be a magic moment to me.
Great game, great series. Masterpiece!

Reviewed on Jan 03, 2023
