Story and Characters
-The story of Resident Evil 2 is fairly straightforward, there is a zombie outbreak in Raccoon City and rookie cop Leon Kennedy or college student Claire Redfield have to navigate the horrors found in the city’s police station and the surrounding area. Depending on if you play as Leon or Claire, you will encounter different characters along the way that create sort of two different stories, even though the events that take place in both paths are quite similar. The story of an evil corporation creating a monster virus that gets loose is certainly not something we have never seen before, but that formula is iconic to the Resident Evil franchise and it still works in the remake over 20 years after the original game was released.
-The characters of Leon and Claire are both good, but they aren’t given a whole lot to really do or have much depth to them. They are both just good people trying to survive a zombie apocalypse and for a game like this one that isn’t super story heavy, I think that is actually enough. Would I like to see richer characters with more compelling story arcs? Sure, but the lack of that here isn’t massively detrimental like it can be in other games where the stories are more complex and more of the focal point of the game. Here, the focus is on the survival horror and the exploration of these iconic locations where you are trying to avoid terrifying creatures.
-Having both Leon and Claire be playable and having them have slightly different stories is a cool idea, but one I wish they took even a step further. Many of the locations you are in, puzzles you solve and bosses you fight are the same between both playthroughs so it doesn’t feel as worth it to play them back to back as you are essentially playing the same game. This isn’t a huge criticism though as I know making the stories too different would essentially be like creating an entirely different game, but it does feel a bit like a missed opportunity. And while you are doing the same things in the two playthroughs, the different side characters you interact with, Ada and Sherry, do drastically change the motivations of the protagonists so there are two separate stories there, even if the gameplay is very similar.
-Another small aspect of the story that I liked was the environmental storytelling that the game does. Similarly to The Last of Us, you can find notes and videos throughout the map that give more context to what happened and add more depth to the story without having to show the player directly what happened. They use this for gameplay purposes as well for the players who pay attention. For example, in one area I found a list of people who were going in and out of a certain room with a clock in and clock out time. At the end of the list, you can see that someone clocked in, but never clocked out. When I went to that room I was more cautious because of the note and sure enough, there was a zombie waiting for me there. Small things like that make every note worth reading and it is fun to solve puzzles by using context clues that the game gives you.

-The gameplay of RE2 Remake is a major highlight, particularly if you are coming off of playing the original Resident Evil. The gunplay feels very satisfying and you are given plenty of weapons to work with which keeps the shooting feeling fresh the entire playthrough. I do also appreciate that Claire and Leon have some different weapons they use as that also helps diversify the two playthroughs a bit more.
-The survival horror aspects of the game also really add to the gameplay as you have to manage your resources and be strategic when using your ammo. Luckily, this was never an issue where I didn’t have enough ammo or resources, but I was just aware that they were limited so I planned accordingly. Inventory management is something else you need to worry about, but that also never really felt like too much of an issue because there are plenty of boxes you can stash extra stuff in and it makes you prioritize which items you are grabbing and using.
-The puzzles and all the locks and keys really make the game a lot of fun to play and almost gives it a digital escape room feel. You are constantly finding clues and items that allow you to get to new areas to explore more and find better gear. I was never upset that I was backtracking around the police station because it is so well designed and the enemies that would spawn constantly kept you on high alert. Also I have to mention some really nice quality of life features that make the game even better. Having the map show exactly what rooms you have been to and left stuff behind in and marking which keys or items are needed for certain doors is extremely nice. I also really like how the game tells you when you no longer need to use an item so you can discard it without worry.
-The enemies in the game are not super numerous when it comes to variety, but they are all effective at being creepy and threatening. The zombies are not super dangerous on their own, but when you have bigger groups of them coming to attack you, you can quickly become overwhelmed. The zombies also move in very erratic ways which can make it difficult to line up your headshots. This adds to the stress of the game because you know every bullet matters so you really need to be precise. The lickers are a terrifying enemy that hunt based off of sound allowing you to creep by them undetected if you choose, but sometimes you will need to fight them head on which can be tough. The way they move on the walls and ceiling is very creepy and when they show up unexpectedly, they are some of the game's best jump scares. The most iconic enemy of the game however has to be Mr X, a relentless monster that will pursue you throughout the game. He adds a level of dread to the game that I haven’t seen many video games pull off as you are forced to solve puzzles and navigate the maze of the police station all while being slowly chased by this unstoppable figure.

Side Content
-The game does not really have any traditional side content as it is quite linear. You explore areas of the map and it is up to you how thoroughly you do so, but there aren’t side objectives or anything like that. The only thing that comes close is hunting for Mr Raccoon toys that are hidden throughout the game, but those are just simple collectibles.

World/Level Design
-The level design here is absolutely one of the game’s strong points. The Raccoon City police department is probably my favorite location out of all the Resident Evil games that I have played. It is very large and highly detailed and the fact that it used to be an art museum gives the building so much character.
-A minor complaint I would have is that I don’t think the locations outside of the police station are quite as good. The laboratory is pretty cool, but far more linear and the sewers are alright, but more forgettable. The game peaks with the police station which is a bit unfortunate as that is the first location you go to, but it is also the place you spend the most time at so it makes sense.

Graphics, Music and Glitches
-The graphics look great, from the character models to the creepy environments you walk around in, it all looks really good. The gore effects in the game also look very good and add to the horror the game creates. The lighting is very effective and when you are traveling through darker areas with just your flashlight, it feels quite tense. There are so many shadows and simple pieces of furniture that make you do a double take because you think you saw something that isn't really there.
-I need to mention the sound design because that is something else this game does exceptionally well. From the grunting of zombies behind a door to the sound of bullet shells hitting the floor as you reload, the game sounds incredible. Sound is key to any game, but especially a horror game like this one and they do a great job here. When you hear Mr X’s footsteps echoing around you, it significantly adds to the tension and makes you constantly feel on edge.
-The music in the game is very much put on the back burner which in some ways works and in others is a bit disappointing. When I played with headphones on, I could hear some background music a bit better, but without them, I could barely even hear music playing in the save rooms, areas that tend to have really good, eerie music playing. This is not a huge issue though as the lack of a lot of music also adds to the gameplay. I feel if there was too much music playing, it could take away from hearing the footsteps of Mr X or the groaning of zombies.
-I did not encounter any bugs or glitches while playing and everything ran incredibly smoothly.

Main Positives of the Game
-The locations and atmosphere are incredible, the game feels tense and legitimately scary at parts and the police department in particular is just a really cool place to explore.
-The gameplay is a lot of fun, I love the survival horror elements of conserving your resources and saving when you can and I like how satisfying the gunplay feels. I played the game on PS5 and the adaptive triggers and haptic feedback made everything feel so much better and more immersive. Each gun feels a bit different to shoot and feeling the controller vibrate when you reload each bullet was really cool.
-The characters are fairly basic as is the story, but it remains effective for the kind of game that this is. I actually became more invested in the story as the game went on and you learn more about the scientists and other people who played a part in the release of the viruses.
-Incredible sound design and great graphics really make this game feel like the perfect example of what a remake should be. Keep the essence of the original game, but update it so it feels like a game that would be released today.
-Another aspect of the game that I actually quite like is the length. I was able to complete a playthrough in around 8 hours, so probably close to 16 hours to do both Leon’s and Claire’s respective stories. While that isn’t very long compared to many other games, I feel that it was a good length for the kind of game that this is. I would have likely been okay with a couple more hours, but much more than that and I wonder if the game would start to feel too repetitive and wouldn’t have the same strong pacing.

Main Negatives of the Game
-I do not have any major criticisms with the game, but a few minor ones. As mentioned earlier, I do think the best part of the game is the police department and the areas after that are never as interesting to me. It isn’t that the game becomes bad, but it is far less scary and the locations just aren’t as engaging.
-I mentioned this as a positive, but I also wouldn’t have minded a bit more depth to the characters. While they are still likable enough, I think it could have been cool to get a bit more out of them so that they feel more memorable.
-I know it would be hard to create totally new environments and bosses, I would like it if there were a bit more change between the two playthroughs. As it stands, it creates a strange situation where the stories are kind of taking place at the same time, but they are also the same story so it feels a bit strange.

Overall Score: 9/10

Reviewed on Apr 22, 2024


11 days ago

Lmao, you beat it already?

11 days ago


10 days ago

Yeah it only took me about 8 hours haha.