I was ready to moan about the open world still being barren, and the massive step down in character customisation from 1&2, and every wee side thing being redundant because it gave nothing to the story and the rewards were always just a t-shirt, but I honestly had a great time in spite of all that, which might as well be a NMH staple at this point.

I'm not an intelligent man who can break down games, and say things like "When viewed through a lens of X, No More Heroes is very much still an allegory for Y". It is simply beyond my ability. Some things just get me hype as fuck, hootin' and hollerin'. Caveman Mode, if you will.

Combat is tight, and the combo of old stuff with the TSA Death Moves keep it fun, especially playing on Spicy where you need to be on yer toes constantly. It's the only part of the game that runs buttery smooth, and ye can just feel it being written at the top of a whiteboard labelled "PRIORITY".

I've said it many times, but I'm a Suda mark. It's fine, I admit it. The dude makes games for me. The whole last fight and end sequence was just laser-focused My Shit. Made me laugh out loud twice because they were just having fun with it. Firing jokes in because they know what this series is, whether it's truly the end or not.

No More Heroes Forever!

Reviewed on Sep 06, 2021
