I rarely play horror games, mainly because most aren’t that scary. IRON LUNG was a welcome exception. Even thought it's just an hour long and has very simple gameplay, I found it very enjoyable. I would recommend it if you want a short and sweet horror experience.
In the future, all planets and star mysteriously disappear. The only things left are space stations, asteroids and moon. Some of these moons have a very peculiar feature – blood oceans. You are a convict put in a tiny submarine that is of questionable quality and tasked with exploring these blood oceans. There is some more lore in a terminal in the sub, but other than that, there isn’t any storyline that takes place during the game.
Mechanics and gameplay
Gameplay wise, it's very simplistic. You have a map with coordinates where you have to go. After reaching the given location, you have to take a picture. Moving the sub is just four buttons – forwards and backward, left or right.
Graphics and artstyle
It uses minimalistic, low poly graphics that work very well for such a horror game. The pictures from the camera are very grainy and slightly distorted, making them feel realistic even in this kind of game.
IRON LUNG is all about atmosphere and building tension. It shows the player more and more unnerving images, making them question whether they are truly alone. Also, by having the sub start to slowly break down combined with the note, it gives the feeling that no matter what you are not making back home.
Soundtrack and sound effects
SFX are incredible. Hearing something move from left to right makes you freeze up. The ost is mainly ambiance that adds to the tension.
Final Thoughts
Me playing this game has nothing to do with recent events.

Reviewed on Jan 10, 2024
