Fromsoftware is widely and rightfully known for their souls and others series. However, before that, they had a franchise by the name of Armored Core. Contrary to its title, Armored Core 4 isn’t the fourth game in the series, there are like 10 others before it, none of which you have to play. AC 4 is a third-person shooter mech game, and it manages to do the mech part perfectly. Rather than a slow, lumbering giant, you have the manoeuvrability of a jet combined with the firepower of a tank. At the beginning it can feel overwhelming, but once you get the hang of it, there really is nothing else like it. Highly recommend it for any mecha fans.
The story is nothing spectacular. In a world with no nations and only megacorporations, you are a mercenary working for them to do their dirty work. I think that this is the game's weakest point, it feels like there is so much potential that has been wasted.
Mechanics and gameplay
First movement. There is walking, but that’s pointless to use. The step above is boosting. This is how you will get around most of the game and how you fly, with the right build you can even achieve infinite flight. After that there is quick boosting, which can send you to Mach 1 is the blink of an eye, very useful for evasion. Lastly, there is overed boosting, which is like quick boosting, but for sustained periods of time. All of these take up different amounts of energy, and the overed boosting takes your PA (basically armor).
The obvious question now is how do you kill stuff? For that, you get a wide variety of weapons to choose from: machine guns, plasma cannons, snipers, railguns, laser blade, you name it is here. Shooting itself is pretty simple. The game automatically tracks enemies, as long as it's within your line of sight, you just have to press the button. Don’t get me wrong, combat itself is very hectic and fast-paced.
Your build is what determines the outcome of battle as much as anything else. Anything can be swapped out, running out of energy, put a more efficient booster, need more firepower, strap missiles to your back. Certain mission will force you to rethink your entire build and make you experiment.
Mission variety is at times lacking, but I think it's enough. I have to add that they are quite short. There is also the arena where you fight increasingly harder mechs 1v1. Once you get the hang of it, AC 4 is not that difficult, can't say the same about hard mode.
Graphics and artstyle
Where graphical fidelity matters it’s there, you're going to be going too fast for everything else.
AC 4 took the contrast ratio and slammed it to the ground, and you know what, I dig it. It fits perfectly the atmosphere of the game.
You are fighting a pointless war, all for what, so that a different company may stand at the top for a while. All the while you are killing thousands and destroying the planet.
Soundtrack and sound effects
SFX are okay, although it can be a bit hard to tell when you get hit. At times, I think I am doing well, then look over at my health and it 70% gone.
Soundtrack is awesome. Lots of guitar and vocals, which I love. Favourite part is “#22 Fall”.
Final Thoughts
Pro tip: just missiles, don’t bother with anything else. What is your enemy going to do, dodge your hundred rocket barrages? Yeah, good luck with that.

Reviewed on Jan 10, 2024
